Tag Archives: people

  • Bread is the staff of life

    We have a saying, “Bread is the staff of life”! It had always been that way through centuries! However, no one could have ever imagined that in the 21st century, when the echoes of the WWII almost fell into silence, when the world’s civilization surpasses the limits of the human mind, here in Ukraine, in […]


  • Working group of human rights protection of internally displaced persons.

    On February 25 the Coordinating working group met at the City Aid Center on issues of human rights protection of internally displaced persons. The representatives of UN, the City Aid Center, the Head Office of the State Emergency Agency and social services have discussed the issues related to the internally displaced persons. To date, the […]


  • Break Murphy’s Law and do good works!

    People may stay in comfort of their homes, be replete and content with life and pretend that nothing is happening around. People may feel indifferent to other people’s grief, sorrows and pain, and think that this would never happen to them.    The other day I’ve come across an interesting saying «Break Murphy’s Law – do […]


  • Rehab Centers

    Drugs and alcohol are two of the most destructive things that our society, including family and personality face today. It is hard to stay indifferent to this issue, because even if it does not concern us personally, we indirectly come across with it in our everyday life. This problem may concern our acquaintance, our loved […]


  • We support the Elderly People

    In Ukraine, as in many other countries, the most vulnerable groups of population include the elderly, single and the disabled people. The City Aid Center considers healthcare and life quality of the elderly population to be one of the priorities in their activities. This is a special category of people who are to be treated […]


  • Aid to the Residents of Luhans’ka and Donets’ka Oblasts

    Today, people who reside in the combat zone in the eastern Ukraine are deprived of a normal life and have many needs to be addressed. Through relief programs for the displaced people from those areas at their new places of temporary residence, and through obtaining a lot of information about the living conditions of those […]