A close cooperation of Zaporizhzhya City Aid Center with the charity organization GlobalMedic, Canada, started about half a year ago. In April 2015, we performed a mutual project and managed to visit together 8 locations, including the towns of Popasnaya, Lisichansk, Avdeevka, Krasnohorovka, other locations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. We also could provide assistance […]
The City Aid Center in mutual effort with the Christian Medical Association initiated the new project – the charitable medical examinations by physicians, ophthalmologists, including distributions of spectacles, and other medical services, for the people who live near the frontline of ATO zone. The Christian Medical Association is made up of medical professionals of different […]
We have a saying, “Bread is the staff of life”! It had always been that way through centuries! However, no one could have ever imagined that in the 21st century, when the echoes of the WWII almost fell into silence, when the world’s civilization surpasses the limits of the human mind, here in Ukraine, in […]
On February 25 the Coordinating working group met at the City Aid Center on issues of human rights protection of internally displaced persons. The representatives of UN, the City Aid Center, the Head Office of the State Emergency Agency and social services have discussed the issues related to the internally displaced persons. To date, the […]
In the beginning of the new 2015 year another wave of refugees flooded from Donets’k and Luhans’k. The continuing flow of people is trying to find rescue and peace in Zaporiz’ka oblast. Today among the displaced persons are those who would stay till the last days in their towns and villages, finding shelter in the […]
Zaporizhzhya continues to prepare additional facilities for resettlement of internally displaced people from Donets’ka and Lugans’ka oblasts. One of the facilities set up for resettlement of for IDPs is situated at Lenin Avenue, 81. Previously the building was held by premises for the Center of alternative medicine practice. Upon completion of the lease contract and according […]
The City Aid Center in Zaporozhye welcomes the children from internally displaced families and families of participants in the ATO to attend Christmas and New Year celebration events. Christmas performances with distributing of presents will be held on December 26-27 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and on December 28 at 10 a.m. in the […]
On December 4, 2014 the City Aid Center together with experts from the State Emergency Agency of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhya Oblast has visited 30 families of IDPs who were forced to leave their homes in Donets’ka Oblast. Now they temporary reside in Zaporizhzhya in the recreation facility “Chaika” (i.e. “Seagull”) on Khortytsya Island. After talking […]
Due to the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, the civilians of Donets’ka and Luhans’ka oblasts (provinces) are forced to leave their place of residence and seek asylum in other places. According to the State Emergency Agency of Ukraine in November 2014 over 38,000 IDPs were officially registered in Zaporiz’ka Oblast, of whom 12,000 are registered […]