Tag Archives: Zaporizhzhya City Aid Center

  • The Impacted Population of Luhans’ka and Donets’ka Oblasts is one of the Chief Concerns of Zaporizhzhya Volunteers

    The volunteers of Zaporizhzhya City Aid Center have truly become a team of “Guardian Angels” for people who were forced to leave their homes and moved to safer places. The volunteers’ organizers are densely scribbled with plans on weekly trips to the settlements that are situated at the border line with the zone of anti-terrorist operation. […]


  • Inspired by Christmas spirit…

    The Christmas season is well under way in Zaporizhzhya City Aid Center. While it is snowy and frosty outside, our hall is full of warm and cheerful mood. We held five Christmas morning performances for 300 children who were resettled from the war conflict areas on the east of Ukraine. We are thankful to our […]


  • There is no such thing as other people’s children

    Whatever we would do in our life, we do it above all for the sake of our future – our children. Most of our care and love we lavish to them. We work to be able provide them with all they need; we throw parties to entertain them; for them we give surprises and try […]


  • They are not able to come to us, so we come to visit them …

    Working with elderly people features some very specific traits and requires a certain experience. Apart of aspects of expertise, one needs to grip well all the subtleties of their psychological state, like mood, mind state, struggles and anxieties, fears and worries, as all these aspects have a direct impact on the health condition and lives […]