• Children are Our Future

    подарки4Children are to become our future, so we ought to ensure their decent childhood and a happy life.

    Children do require special attention and kindness, and every child is especially looking for mercy and gifts.

    The particular feature in helping children is a manifestation of sensitivity to the needs of each child, displaying a special care and attention, true affection and love.

    Separation from their homestead, sometimes with family and loved ones, moving to a new location, unaccustomed and sometimes not the best living conditions at a new place, new school with new teachers and new friends – all these aspects affect a child’s psychological and emotional state.

    To protect and support children who experience such challenges, our City Aid Center assists children in the form of food packages, gifts, warm clothing, children’s Christian literature, as well as through visiting children at hospitals, providing all necessary aid and giving them our warmth, compassion and love to children’s hearts.